Tipperary GAA Scene – February 24th 2021

By Jonathan Cullen Wed 24th Feb

Tipperary GAA Scene – February 24th 2021
Tipperary GAA Scene – February 24th 2021

All Stars

Conor Sweeney became the third Tipperary player to win an All Star, Bringing Tipperary’s total to four football awards

The 2020 PwC All Star Awards winners were announced last weekend and saw Conor Sweeney claim a fourth football All Star award for Tipperary. Conor who was previously nominated in 2016, now joins an elite and unique list of winners alongside two-time winner Declan Browne and Michael Quinlivan who won the award in 2016.  Conor has been a true leader both on and off the field over the last 12 months and he has played a real captain’s role in every game he was involved in. This award is an acknowledgement of a great year for the Ballyporeen clubman who led Tipperary to a first Munster Senior Football title in 85 years on what was a very special weekend for Tipperary GAA, that also saw us honour the memory of all those who died on Bloody Sunday 1920. Congratulations also go to Tipperary’s other All-Star nominees, Footballers Bill Maher, Colin O’Riordan and Kevin Fahey along with Ronan Maher and Michael Breen in Hurling. Well done also to Jake Morris who was nominated for the Young Hurler award.




The 34th AGM of the Tipperary Supporters Club was the first ever held online with a good attendance of members taking part from many parts of Tipperary and well beyond.

Bryan Maher, Assistant Treasurer, presented the audited accounts for the year to 31st October 2020 which resulted in grants of over €77,000 to expenses connected with the Senior Hurling panel including training camps, medical treatment, specialist training, travel and accommodation. It was a difficult year for fund raising and it was not possible to hold the usual golf classics in Tipperary and Dublin.  However great efforts were made to keep membership numbers as high as possible despite the effects of the Pandemic and expenses such as the cost of membership gifts and postage of membership packs had been kept to a minimum. The Club had held a very successful Stars in Their Eyes event in November 2019 which had raised over €20,000.

In addition to the activities of the Tipperary Supporters Club details of fund raising conducted by the Tipperary GAA Commercial Board were given.  The Commercial Board made a contribution of over €94,000 to Tipperary GAA during the season.

In his report to the AGM as Secretary Billy Coman summarised the highlights of the Club’s activities and his lively and colourful report is available here: https://www.tippsupportersclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Tipperary-Supporters-Club-AGM-Booklet-2021.pdf  In his address as Chairperson, Terry O’Neill thanked all the Tipperary Supporters for their generosity in supporting the fund-raising efforts of the Club including club members, sponsors, funders, committee members, county board officials, team management and of course the players.He also thanked committee member Ed Donnelly for his work in arranging the online meeting.

John Coman, Public Relations Officer, reported on the membership scheme and asked all members to make a special effort to encourage extra members to join up and to ask existing members to re-join using the direct debit facility, especially as it was more difficult to meet face to face during the Pandemic. Members paying by direct debit for the first time will enjoy a special discounted membership rate of €30 for 2020. He reported that many members had already joined for 2021 with the member’s gift of a Tipperary Supporters Club face mask proving very attractive. John especially thanked Membership Officer Jim Reidy and committee member Danny O’Connell for their long hours of work on the membership efforts. John also thanked Joe Bracken for his great help with the Tipperary Supporters Club during his time as County Board PRO.

The following officers were appointed: Terry O’Neill, Chairperson; Billy Coman, Secretary; Michael Power, Treasurer (automatic re-appointment); Bryan Maher, Assistant Treasurer; John Coman, PRO; and Jim Reidy, Membership Officer.

Terry O’Neill invited Joe Kennedy, Chairperson of the County Board to address the meeting. Joe Kennedy thanked the Supporters Club for being more important than ever at this time in the Tipperary Hurling set up. He commented on the great co-operation between the County Board and the Tipperary Supporters Club in their work. Liam Myles, President, Tipperary Association Dublin also congratulated the Club and assured it of every support from the Tipperary Association, Dublin. Also present at the meeting were Jimmy Minogue, County Board Vice-Chair; Michael Power, County Board Treasurer; and Jonathan Cullen, PRO, County Board.

Michael Breen was named the 2020 Tipperary Supporters Club, Player of The Year at the AGM

Chairperson Terry O’Neill welcomed Liam Sheedy, Michael Breen and Alan Flynn to the meeting. Liam Sheedy, Senior Team Bainisteoir, addressed the meeting and thanked the Tipperary Supporters Club for their great work which was a vital part of the Tipperary team’s preparation. Liam emphasised the importance of the team being closely connected with the Tipperary Supporters and that he would work closely to develop that relationship even further in 2021.  While the 2020 season had been disappointing, Liam explained that the panel was showing huge commitment in the personal training programmes that they were involved in at the moment until such time as collective training was again allowed.

Liam, Alan Flynn and Michael Breen took part in a question and answer session moderated by Terry O’Neill and gave some interesting insights in to how the Pandemic had changed the preparation in some ways.

As the finale to the meeting, Terry O’Neill announced that the Tipperary Senior Hurler of the Year 2020 as voted by members of the Tipperary Supporters Club was Michael Breen.  Michael was virtually presented with the annual trophy by John Quirke, Jeweller, Cahir who again kindly sponsored the award and Michael also was awarded the Tony Reddin Perpetual Cup as kindly donated by his wife Mrs Maura Reddin.

Club Officer Training

The following is a summary of the remaining events available for club officers as part of this years’ Club Leadership Development Programme.

Wednesday, February 24th @6pm – Microsoft 365 Training – OneDrive

Thursday, February 25th @7pm – Irish Language & Cultural Officer (as Béarla)

Tuesday, March 2nd @7pm – How to Become a Welcoming Club Tuesday, March 9th @7pm – Diversity & Inclusion Visibility

Thursday, March 11th @7pm – Commercial & Sponsorship Webinar – Club Officers

Wednesday, March 31st @7pm – Healthy Club Officer Training

Registration for the above courses can be done via the following link – https://learning.gaa.ie/officertrainingcalendar

Health and Wellbeing

Healthy Club Officer training.

Registration for the February 24th training webinar is now closed.  However, vacancies are still available for Mar 31st registration is required please email chair.hwc.tipperary@gaa.ie for advice on how to register.

Well done to all Tipperary clubs putting up the miles in the Irish Life Munster Every Step Counts Challenge.    Rockwell Rovers are leading the charge in fourth place followed by Newport in sixth and Lattin Cullen at number twelve.

Samaritan’s Ireland

During these difficult times it’s important to look after your mental health.  Try to find a way to share how you feel with others.  Support can be sought 24/7, 365 days of the year from the Samaritan’s.  Freephone 116123 or email jo@samaritans.ie

Cultúr agus Gaeilge

This coming Thursday evening February 25th sees a fantastic Workshop take place entitled ‘Irish Language and Cultural Officers (as Béarla)’. It is being run by Runaí Coiste Cultúrtha Jamie Ó’Tuama agus beidh an seimineár as Béarla. It gives any new or existing Irish Language and Cultural Officer a real insight into the role with the many different areas being covered during the seminar. Booking is available on learning.gaa.ie/officertrainingcalendar

If anyone has any queries about the above or any queries in relation to anything associated with the Culture and Language side of our association, please don’t hesitate to email on irishculturalofficer.tipperary.gaa.ie

Ardfinnan Walk of Life

Ardfinnan GAA and LGFA have launched their 5k Walk of Life fundraiser which takes place this weekend 26th – 28th February 2021.

No matter where you are in the world, all you have to do is walk your 5k, post your photos online using the #ArdfinnanWalkofLife and finally please donate what you can to the go fund me page http://gf.me/u/zhy5vd

We thank you in advance for your support during these tough times, unfortunately the bills don’t stop when the games stop. Ardfinnan GAA look forward to seeing all the super selfies from our worldwide Ardfinnan Community.


Tipperary GAA Scene

If there is anything you feel should feature in this column going forward please feel free to forward it to pro.tipperary@gaa.ie

By Jonathan Cullen Wed 24th Feb

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