Tipperary GAA Scene – February 17th 2021

By Jonathan Cullen Wed 17th Feb

Tipperary GAA Scene – February 17th 2021
Tipperary GAA Scene – February 17th 2021

Tipperary Supporters Club

The Annual General Meeting of the Tipperary Supporters Club will be held on this Thursday 18th February 2021 at 8pm. Due to Covid-19 Level 5 restrictions it is necessary to hold all our meetings online via Microsoft Teams.

The Agenda for the evening will be:

  1. Minutes of previous (33rd) Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 30th January 2020
  2. Treasurer’s Report – year ended October 31st 2020
  3. Secretary’s Report – year ended October 31st 2020
  4. Chairman’s Address
  5. Appointment of Auditors
  6. Motions, Resolutions, and Amendments
  7. Appointment of Officers and Committee Members
  8. Any other business proper to the Annual General Meeting.
  9. Announcement of the Tipperary Supporters Club Player of the Year 2020

Members are invited to join the meeting. Please register by sending an email to info@tippsupportersclub.com providing your email address by Thursday 11th February 2021. On receipt of your registration and your email address we will forward a link to you for the meeting with further details regarding participation.

Please note you must be a fully paid-up member of the Tipperary Supporters Club to join the meeting.

All members will receive a specially designed face mask

Tipperary Supporters Club membership for 2021 is open and Supporters can join on line now on www.tippsupportersclub.com/join  by credit card or debit/laser card. You can also pay by Credit Card over the phone by calling Jim Reidy, Membership Officer on 0863580718, membership is €40 per person and includes the gift of an official Tipperary Supporters Club face mask

Also, on the website details are available of the direct debit facility as the Club is run on a completely voluntary basis it would be a great help if members could join by direct debit. We are encouraging members to switch to Direct Debit payment by offering a reduced charge of €30 for all New First Time Direct Debit members in 2021. It is easy to sign up for Direct Debit, just download the form on the Tipperary Supporters Club website, fill it out and send it to Jim Reidy 13 Castleknock Close, Dublin15.


Friends of Tipperary Football

By joining the syndicate, you will also become a member of The Friends of Tipperary Football

The Friends of Tipperary Football are delighted to launch a new Euro Millions Plus syndicate offering all members 2,500 chances to win the jackpot for only €20. Everyone who joins the syndicate will be entered in every Euro Millions Plus draw from May 4 2021 to April 29 2022. You can join the syndicate as often as you want  and who knows, together, we might even hit the jackpot! When you join our Euro Millions Plus syndicate you will automatically become a member of The Friends of Tipperary Football which gives you free entry in our draw for 2 All Ireland Football Tickets. But that’s not all! As a member of “The Friends” you will also receive our unique Michael Hogan commemorative car sticker. Winning the Munster Senior Football Title for the first time in 85 years was certainly one of the highlights of 2020 and proved to be the coronavirus distraction we all needed. Who can forget the sheer joy on the faces of the players and management as captain Conor Sweeney lifted the Munster Trophy or the emotional scenes in Croke Park when the team laid a wreath to commemorate the victims of Bloody Sunday?

All funds raised by The Friends of Tipperary Football go directly towards the preparation of our inter-county teams. The effort that the players and management put into representing Tipperary is huge and they deserve all the support that we can give to allow them. The Friends of Tipperary Football Euro Millions Plus Syndicate will purchase 12 sets of numbers in all the Euro Millions Plus draws from May 4 2021 to April 29 2022.  To join go to www.friendsoftipperaryfootball.com or contact any committee member for a ticket.

Closing date for entries is May 3rd 2021 and winnings will be distributed as per the terms and conditions.

Health and Wellbeing

You are invited to a webinar on National No Smoking Day on Wednesday 17th Feb from 12pm – 1pm. We are encouraging all smokers to engage in the 28 Day Challenge in March and to join forces with the HSE to build a Tobacco Free Ireland. National No Smoking Day is an opportunity to highlight how far we have come in relation to denormalising tobacco use in Ireland and to call on all sectors of society to support the next steps. As you may know reducing smoking and tobacco use remains one the key targets for HSE Health and Wellbeing and staff from the HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme and colleagues will give some insights in this webinar into the ongoing work involved. People who smoke are more likely to get COVID 19 and the risk of having a severe infection is more likely compared to those who don’t smoke. Now, more than ever, it is vitally important that the we collectively take actions to protect respiratory health at a population level. Preventing tobacco initiation and helping those who do smoke to successfully quit is the single most effective way of achieving this.

Ardfinnan Walk of Life

Ardfinnan GAA and LGFA have launched their 5k Walk of Life fundraiser which takes place on the weekend of 26th – 28th February 2021.

No matter where you are in the world, all you have to do is walk your 5k, post your photos online using the #ArdfinnanWalkofLife and finally please donate what you can to the go fund me page http://gf.me/u/zhy5vd

We thank you in advance for your support during these tough times, unfortunately the bills don’t stop when the games stop. Ardfinnan GAA look forward to seeing all the super selfies from our worldwide Ardfinnan Community.


GAA Covid 19 Update

The GAA’s Covid Advisory Group met last Wednesday, February 10th to consider the outcome of a meeting between the three Gaelic Games governing bodies (GAA, Ladies Gaelic Football Association and Camogie Association) and representatives of the lrish Government, including the Minister of State for Sport, which took place earlier this week. The meeting was held to brief the governing bodies on the short-term prospects for a return to training and playing of our games. The Government representatives clarified that inter-county Gaelic Games activity is not covered under the current Level 5 exemptions for elite sports. As such a return to intercounty training or games is not permitted under the current restrictions.

It was also clear that there will not be any change to this position post-March 5th when the restrictions currently in place are reviewed. It is the view of the GAA’s Covid Advisory group that no on field activity will be permitted – training or games – until Easter at the earliest. ln the interim, it is expected that the Government will publish an updated “Living with Covid” plan and we expect that this will provide clarity on when clubs and counties are likely to be allowed return to training and games in 2A21,.|t should also provide clarity on when other off-field club activities may be permitted to resume. It is clear that this extended delay to the planned return of the inter county season will have knock-on effects for both the inter county and club games programmes originally planned for 2027. As of now the GAA have made no firm decisions on what competitions may or may not be facilitated in any revised fixture programme – such decisions will be a factor of how much time is made available to us, both for an inter county season and for the broader participation levels that will be necessary for a meaningful club season. While we will begin to look at contingency plans for the Master Fixtures programme, we will not be able to take definitive decisions in this context until we have a clear picture of what restrictions we are likely to be operating under at various points in the year ahead. Rest assured however, that once clarity is provided by Government and Public Health Authorities on the likely road ahead for society generally and sport in particular, the GAA will follow with its own roadmap and plan form our own activities at both inter-county and club level, that will cover whatever time is available to us for the remainder of the year. We know these latest developments will come as a great disappointment to all those who are anxious to resume their Gaelic Games involvement, be it on or off the field. While we remain in the midst of a deadly pandemic, there is significant cause for optimism that much better days lie ahead. The manner in which we have endured and overcome thus far, both as individual members and as an Association generally, has been praised by many and is a cause of great pride to us all. With your help we are certain that we will eventually have a fulfilling season at both club and county level in 2021, just as we had in 2020.

Finally, we would again like to take this opportunity to thank our members, players, coaches, managers and officers at all levels for their patience and understanding of the current situation and for co-operating with all of the restrictions that have been put in place. We want to remind you all again that we will prepare a revised Master Fixture Calendar and plan for the remainder of 2021once a new Government road map for society and sport is made available.

Tipperary GAA Scene

If there is anything you feel should feature in this column going forward please feel free to forward it to pro.tipperary@gaa.ie

By Jonathan Cullen Wed 17th Feb

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